It's here. Super Bowl Sunday. Personally, I'm not really invested in the sport but I do like to partake in the occasion and enjoy the party atmosphere. Even if super bowl parties aren't your thing, I think this post can resonate for any event you may go to where there is a lot of eating and drinking. Here are some of my thoughts around eating and drinking at social events.
Parties should be fun. If you are stressing about what you are eating and drinking, it may be difficult to enjoy yourself. It's important to remember that there is no good and/or bad food. It's just food. A big misstep people often make is that they wait until they get to the party to eat. They spend all day thinking, "I'm going to eat so much at this party so I am just not going to eat today." In my opinion, this type of thinking is detrimental for several reasons. If you deny yourself food all day you are going to be overly hungry when you arrive to the party making it difficult for you to distinguish between what you actually want and don't want. This may lead to overeating, feelings of guilt, and a lack of satisfaction when you finally do eat. Instead, eat balanced meals as you typically would on any other day. Nourish your body and arrive to the party neither hungry nor full.
I believe that when we are consumed with thoughts of food we are closing ourselves off from having true, genuine conversations with people (which is the point of social parties, right?). When you get to the party, scope out what's there. Is there anything that looks and/or smells delicious that you definitely want to try? Have that! Don't let thoughts like, "Oh that's so fattening" interrupt your intuitive desire. I know this may sound difficult but I promise that you will end up feeling more satisfied and potentially eat less. If there are things that don't interest you as much, don't have it. This can be difficult especially if we are concerned with hurting someone's feelings who may have made a certain dish. In this case, portion a tiny bit on your plate, have a bite, and move on. It's your body and you have the power to decide how to nourish yourself.
It can be difficult to keep from mindlessly eating at parties, especially because there are usually bowls of chips and dips laying around. We have all been there--sticking our hands in and out of a bowl, not really enjoying the flavors of the foods we are eating. If you really want the chips or whatever it may be, portion some out on your own plate to help you from mindlessly munching.
Lastly, remember to celebrate. There are no mistakes to be made. You are neither good nor bad based on foods you chose to eat. The most important thing, in my opinion, is that you have fun, feel satisfied, and avoid thoughts of guilt. If you end up leaving the party feeling overly-stuffed and notice negative self-talk., try to take deep breaths and remember the feeling is temporary. The feelings of fullness will pass and your body WILL handle what it has been given; tomorrow is a new day. Of course, feelings like this are never fun and that is why it is always best to try and be mindful while eating. However, learning to eat intuitively is a journey and everyone may struggle with eating mindfully every once in a while.